We'd love to hear your thoughts

1. How would you rate your experience using our Shopping Nanny service today?

Please select a rating

2. How likely are you to recommend our Shopping Nanny service to friends and family based on your recent experience?

Extremely unlikely
Extremely likely
Please select a recommendation

3. How did you spend your time? Check any that apply:

Shopping (groceries)
Shopping (retail)
Shopping (tech & entertainment)
Services & Amenities
Health & Beauty
Other (please describe)
Please select at least one option

4. Which retailers did you visit, and how much did you spend?

Please select a store
Number required
Please select a store
Number required
Please select a store
Number required

5. Please provide any suggestions on how we can improve your Shopping Nanny Experience:

1000 characters Please use 1000 characters or less

Thank you!

We appreciate the time you have taken to offer your feedback and for allowing us to improve our overall shopping experience.



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